Saturday, December 31, 2022

🌺 The benefits of fruits

🌺 The benefits of fruits
🌺 Mango - 🌺 Improves memory 🌺 Alkalizes  the body 
                     🌺 Improves vision 
🌺 Banana - 🌺 Reduce depression  🌺 gives energy
                       🌺 great for the brain

🌺 Grapes 🌺 Antiaging  🌺Lowers  cholestrol 

                    🌺 Reduce constipation

🌺 Peaches - 🌺 Lower inflammation 🌺 Prevent bone 

                          disorders  🌺 Rich in potassium

🌺 Cherries  - 🌺Weight  loss  🌺 Protection from 
                          diabetes             🌺 Antitoxidants

🌺 Motivational Quotes Song

🌺 Motivational Quotes Song 

🌺 Think positively

 🌺 Network well

🌺 Exercise daily

🌺 Eat healthy

🌺 Work hard 

🌺 Stay strong 

🌺 Build faith

🌺 Worry less

🌺 Read more

🌺 Be happy

🌺 Volunteer freely

🌺 Relax often

🌺Love always

🌺 Live forever

🌺 Life Song

🌺 Life Song

🌺 When you are alone , mind your thoughts ,

       When you are with friends , mind your tongue ,
        When you are angry , mind your temper ,

         When you are with a group , mind your behaviour ,

          When you are in  trouble , mind your emotion  ,

         When god starts blessing you , mind your ego .          

Friday, December 23, 2022

🌺 General knowledge

🌺 General knowledge information

                                                          🌺 The Columbia River flows through Canada and the United States.

🌺 Jayangonda is the author of Kalingathup Parani.

Red and white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.

🌺 The Olympic torch is lit on the Olympic mountain.

🌺 India is the country that publishes the most newspapers.

🌺 Sivajiganesan is the most prominent actor in cinema.

🌺 Reoviruses are the viruses that cause colds in humans.

🌺 Sarnath is the place where Buddha first preached.

🌺 The first subway was built in London.

🌺 Ivanosky was the first to discover the virus.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

🌺 Hydroelectric Energy

🌺Hydroelectric Energy 

Hydroelectric energy, also called hydroelectric power or hydroelectricity, is a form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion—such as water flowing over a waterfall—to generate electricity. 

🌺How Does Hydroelectric Energy Work?

Most hydroelectric power plants have a reservoir of water, a gate or valve to control how much water flows out of the reservoir, and an outlet or place where the water ends up after flowing downward. Water gains potential energy just before it spills over the top of a dam or flows down a hill. The potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as water flows downhill. The water can be used to turn the blades of a turbine to generate electricity, which is distributed to the power plant’s customer.

Monday, December 5, 2022

🌺 Famous Motivational Quotes

🌺Famous Quotes  By  Scientists

                                                       🌺 Mathematics is a body  of knowledge but it contains no truth . -  Mornis Kline

🌺 A man  may  imagine things. that are  false  but that  can only  understand  things  that  are  true. for if the things be false the  apprehension  of them  is not  understanding . - Isaac. Newton

🌺 Science is global  einsteins  equation  E = mc2. has to reach enough where , science is a beautiful gift  it science  is a does  not  differentiate between  multiple  forces . - A .P J . Abdul Kalam

🌺 If  stands  to everylasting  credit of science that acting on the human mind . It has overcome man' s insecurity before nature . - Albert einstein

🌺 A man only learns  by two things. ;  One is reading and the other is association  with smarter people. - Will Rogers 

🌺 Nothing is impossible , the word itself says I'm possible . - Audrey Hepburn

🌺 The best way to predict the future is to create it . - Abraham Lincoln

🌺 " First , think . Second , believe . Third  , dream . And finally , dare " . - Walt Disney 


Thursday, December 1, 2022

🌺Interesting fact about galaxy

The Sombrero Galaxy by Hubble
There are approx. 200 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. Now look at this galaxy. It has 200 to 300 billion stars. Now….there are billions of galaxies! With billions of stars and that is just what we can observe with the current technology. A billion billion is a Quintillion and there is about 400 billion x a quintillion stars in the known universe. Something to the power of 10 to the 24th. It blows my mind. What gets me isn't just the number of stars, and the enormous scale and size and distance. It's the amount of time. That each galaxy is 31 million light years away. The amount of time it took for the light from that picture to reach us, entire species could evolve on planets and develop into a space faring galactic civilization; empires could rise and fall, then fade into dust, and be lost in the sands of time, without us ever knowing. And that's just the 31 million years it took for that light, which is a drop in the bucket of time that this galaxy has had to create life over many many billions of years.

🌺Facts about ants

                                                                                                                                                                                                      1. Ants do not have lungs.
2. Ants do not have ears.
3. Ants are farmers.
4. Ants have two stomachs.
5. Ants can swim.
6. Ants are slave owners.
7. Ants are as old as dinosaurs.
8. There are more than 12,000 species of ants worldwide.
9. An ant can lift 20 times its body weight.
10. Some queen ants can live for years and have millions of offspring.
11. When ants fight, they usually fight to the death.
12. When the colony's queen dies, the colony can only survive for a few months.
13. Ants can live for two hours without oxygen.
14. Ants have no blood! 

🌺 Science Pictures