Tuesday, November 29, 2022

🌺Science Unknown facts

🌺Four  ways to travel through time:
Light speed
Black holes

🌺Samsung is a South Korea mobile company. The Samsung means three stars.

🌺The sixth sense is another term of for extrasensory perception.

 ðŸŒºThey are more chinken's in the world than people.

🌺A beautiful view of Machupicchu in Peru

🌺A beautiful view of Machupicchu in Peru 

Machu Picchu or Machu Picchu is a city in Peru with polished stone walls built in accordance with classical Inca architecture. The first building in the Intihuatana complex is the Temple of the Sun, a room with three windows in an area of ​​Machu Picchu that archaeologists call the Sacred Area

🌺 Bhuddha moral story

🌺 Buddha was once traveling with his disciples.

 On his way, he saw a small water body and asked a disciple to bring water to drink from there.

 Before he left, a bullock cart passed through the water.

 When the disciple went and looked, the water was troubled.  He came back and explained to the Buddha how to give this to the Buddha.

 After some time the Buddha asked the disciple to come again.

 He went and looked.  Although the water had cleared slightly, it was still murky.
 He came back and told the Buddha.

 Some time passed.  Buddha again asked him to go.

 This time the water was clear.  He brought it and gave it to the Buddha.

 The Buddha looked at the disciple and said

 What did you do to clear that water?  You left it at that.  As time passed, the water became clear.  Your mind is like this.
 When confusion arises, leave it at that.  It will clear itself after some time.  You don't have to do any training for it.  It will happen by itself.”

 Yes, it doesn't have to be difficult to get peace of mind.  It is something that should happen automatically without effort…. 

🌺 Enjoy Life

🌺 Enjoy life

                                       ðŸŒº Nowadays many people are stuck in problems. Some take it easy. Many are angry that they cannot meet it.

                                 Once the Greek philosopher Socrates was talking to a friend. Then Socrates' wife called him, but he did not notice. The angry wife poured water on Socrates' head.

                                     ðŸŒº But he turned it into a joke by saying, "Thunder has been thundering in the sky for so long. Now it has rained."

                                   Did you see how he turned the problem into a joke?

                                 Enjoy life like this. No problem will affect you.

🌺 A gift asked by Abdul Kalam

🌺 A gift asked by Abdul Kalam
                                                When the Agni missile was successfully launched for the first time, Defense Minister KC Pant said, "Kalam...we should celebrate this victory very well. What gift do you want for it?"
 Ask, we will give."
 Abdul Kalam, a man who loved trees, asked, "Give me one lakh saplings to plant in our scientific research center." 

🌺 World famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy

🌺 World famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.

 He was sitting in the park one day. Then a girl came there with a ball.

 Approaching Tolstoy, he looked at him and asked, 'Will you come and play with me? she asked.

 He also agreed and played with the girl for a while.

 As the evening approached, the girl said to Tolstoy, 'I am coming' and left.

 Hearing that, Tolstoy said, "Tell your mother that I played with Tolstoy."

 And the little girl said, 'Tell your mother too... that I played with Mary'.

 He was ashamed of his pride, considering that she thought of him as his equal, world-renowned. 

🌺 Mahatma's Country and Language

🌺 Mahatma's Country and Language 
                                       Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa. A Gujarati newspaper reporter came to interview him. As soon as the Gandhijis disembarked from the ship, he asked a barrage of questions.
 Gandhi looked at him quietly for a while and said, "You are an Indian and I am an Indian. Your mother tongue is Gujarati. My mother tongue is also that. So, why do you dare to ask a question in English? Do you think that I have forgotten my mother tongue after going to South Africa and staying there for some time?"
 Or, as a barrister, do you think it's worth talking to him in English?" he asked.
 The reporter who came to do the interview realized his mistake.

🌺 Solitude is sweet

🌺 Solitude is sweet 
                   World famous painter Picasso always loved solitude and peace. On his 90th birthday, the whole country of France was celebrating it with great fanfare.
 The village of Vilari, where Picasso lived, was also full of festivities. But Picasso sat alone in his room with the door closed and painted quietly. He never came out that whole day.

🌺The wayfarer who woke up the king

🌺 Passage into the palace. Guards stopped.

 Despite them, he tried to enter. They again stopped and told them, "Anyone's permission to enter the inn."

 He replied indifferently, "No need". They took him to the king and stopped him. The king was shocked that you have called the palace as an inn. Look what you are doing. Can you tell me?" he asked. He replied, "Father, he sang before that, he sang before that.

 King! See nobody here is permanent. He replied that when one goes, what else is the other staying at than the inn?

 The inner eye of the king opened. The one who told him to leave the government to his son and rule in the way of God started walking towards the forest.

 ðŸŒº The wayfarer who woke up the king

Thursday, November 24, 2022

🌺 Unknown facts in science

🌺 Unknown facts in science

                                                  🌺The average 4 - year old child asks 450 questions a day .

🌺 Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by forgetting where they put their acorns .

🌺 They night vision of tigers is 6 times to better than humans .

🌺 Google searches handle over 1 billion search per day .

🌺 The first music school in India was started in Lahore .

🌺 To make one kilo of honey , bees have to visit 4 million flowers , travelling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth .

🌺 Pencilin medicine inventor  - Alexander Flamming 

🌺 WWW ( world wide web)   inventor  - Tim berners lee

🌺The suicide planet  - The world ' s poisonous planet is gimpy gimpy . Touching it is so painful that most of the people prefer to commit suicide rather than bearing than pain . The pain described  as the mixture of acid burn and electric  shock .

🌺 Japanese passport is the World's most powerful passport . It grants visa free  access to 190 countries out of 195 countries .

🌺 General knowledge in english

🌺 List of Manias : 

   ðŸŒº Bibilomania  - craze for books
     ðŸŒº Plutomania - craving for health

     ðŸŒº Theomania - belief in god

       ðŸŒº Pyromania - a desire to set things fire 

🌺 List of phobias :

 ðŸŒº Bibliophobia  - fear of books

  🌺 Anglophobia  - fear of using english

    🌺 Acrophobia  - fear of heigh

      🌺 Anthophobia  - fear of flower 

  🌺  Anthrophobia - fear of people 

   ðŸŒº Xenophobia  - fear of strangers or foreigners

    🌺 Arithmophobia  - fear of numbers 

    🌺  Carcini phobia  - fear of cancer 

     ðŸŒº Demophobia  - fear of clouds
      🌺 Melophobia  - fear of music

     ðŸŒº  Hydrophobia  - fear of water

Monday, November 21, 2022

🌺Unknown facts in science

🌺 Unknown Facts in Science

                                              🌺 Meet asteroid psyche 16 . This asteroid has so much gold , iron and nickel that if it is brought on earth , it will make everyone a billionaire . It is worth $ 10 Quintilliont .

🌺 Some of the bumblebees can fly up to 9,000 metres ( 29 , 528 ) feet above sea level , higher than the summit of the mount everest.

🌺 The biggest dinosaur was argentino saurus , which measured over 40 metres and weighed up to 100 tonnes . which is same as around 15 elephants . The largest land animal , ever known .

🌺 The astronomical research organization : 
                          🌺 Nasa , Blue origin , Cern , Space x , ISRO , Eso .

🌺 Humans are radioactive !
                                             If 100 , 000 , 000 average humans are kept in an isolated place for 8 hours , they will emit enough radiation to kill each one of them within 20 days .

🌺 A diamond , 5X bigger than earth 
                                                       PSR J1719 - 1438 B is an extrasolar planet , where the continuous pressure is so intense that carbon has crystallized into diamond .

🌺 World 's youngest astronomer . 8 year - Old Nicole oliveira recently discovered 7 asteroids for Nasa .

🌺 1300 earth's could fit inside Jupiter.

🌺 1000 jupiters could fit inside sun . 

🌺 The largest meteorite on earth in this 60 tonnes monster named hoba . It is located in Namibia and has never been moved .

🌺 One day on Venus = 243 earth days . 

🌺 One year on Venus = 225 earth days .

🌺 If any aliens watching us from 65 million light years away through a power telescope they would see dinosaurs walking on earth. 

🌺 Time Song

🌺 Very nice definition of time : 

            Time is slow when you wait ;
            Time is fast when you are late !
            Time is deadly when you are sad !
            Time is short when you are happy! 
             Time is endless when you are in
             Time is long when you feel bored !
              Every time , time is determined by your
              Feelings and your psychological conditions
              Not by clocks . So have a nice time always.

🌺 Books

🌺 Books
                   ðŸŒº Book is a life
                 ðŸŒº   Book is a friend 

                  🌺 Book is a teacher 

                  🌺 Book is a temple 

                    🌺Book is a picture

                      🌺 Book is not an infinite 

🌺 Ten unknown facts

🌺 Ten unknown facts

                          🌺 The tiananmen square , Beijing is the world' s largest public square .

                          🌺 Brazil is the largest country in south America and the fifth nation in the world. 

                             ðŸŒº A lot of things we still use today , such as paper , pens , locks  and keys and believe it or not tooth paste were invented by the ancient Egyptians. 

                                🌺 Walt Disney World in orlando is United States biggest - single - site employer with over 50 , 000 workers toiling behind its magical gates .

                               ðŸŒº Ant ' s couldn't sleep .

                                🌺 The japanese maglev train is the fastest passenger train with the fastest recorded speed at 603 kmph .

                                🌺 Toronto was the first City in the world with computerized traffic signal system .

                                  🌺 A group of rhino's is called a crash.

                                   ðŸŒº Penguins can swim , but they cannot fly.

                                     ðŸŒº  Camels are born without humps.

Friday, November 18, 2022

🌺 Anatomy of the Universe

🌺 Anatomy of the Universe

                                                     ðŸŒº The UNIVERSE CONTAINS EVERYTHING that exists , from the tiniest subatomic particles to galactic superclusters ( the largest structures known ). Nobody Knows how big the Universe is , but astronomers estimate that if contains at least 125 billion galaxies , each comprising an average of 100 billion stars . The most widely accepted theory , which states that the Universe came into being in a huge explosion - the Big Bang - that took place between 10 and 20 billion years ago. The Universe intially consisted of a very hot , dense fireball of expanding , cooling gas .After about one million years , the gas began condense into localized clumps called protogalaxies. During the fnext five billion years , the protogalaxies continued condensing , forming galaxies in which stars were being born. Today , billions of years later , the universe as a whole is sti expanding , although there are localized areas in which objects are held together by gravity ; for example , many galaxies are found in clusters. The Big Bang theory is supported by the discovery of faint , cool background radiation coming evenly from all directions. This radiation is believed to be the remnant of the radiation produced by the Big Bang. Small " ripples" in the temperature of the cosmic background radiation are thought to be evidence of slight fluctuations in the density of the early Universe , which resulted in the formation of galaxies .Astronomers do not yet know if the Universe is " closed " , which means it will eventually atop expanding and begin to contract , or if it is " open " , which means it will continue expanding forever'.

🌺 Types of galaxy

🌺 NGC - 4406 (Elliptical galaxy)

🌺 NGC - 5236 ( Barred Spiral Galaxy)

🌺 NGC 6822 -( Irregular Galaxy)

Thursday, November 17, 2022

🌺Ginger for hair growth

Ginger for hair growth

In the long term, hair care practices are just as important as those used in skin care. Ginger is not considered a common medical treatment for keeping hair healthy, but some claim anecdotally that this spice may improve hair growth.

Given the benefits ginger has to offer when it comes to healing diseases and health problems, it comes without surprise that it has long been used in both Indian Ayurveda and TICM. Ginger is one of the best ingredients you could use to promote hair growth.
 Ginger contains circulatory agents that stimulate the flow of blood on the scalp, increasing blood circulation, which triggers the hair follicles and encourages new growth. This way, it strengthens the hair from the root to the tip. Ginger has essential fatty acids, which prevent your hair from thinning.
 Fresh ginger root contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, and vitamins. These nutrients provide your hair follicles with nourishment, making them strong and preventing hair loss.
 If you are feeling itchy, scratchy, and flakey know that dandruff and hair loss often go hand-in-hand. This happens because the dead skin cells clog your follicles, leading to hair fall. Ginger has potent antifungal properties that help control dandruff and, in turn, curb hair loss.

To make a ginger hair mask, you may use ginger juice, essential oil, or extract combined with equal parts of a carrier oil, such as argan, coconut, or jojoba. Massage into the scalp and cover your hair evenly. Place a cap over your hair and leave on up to 30 minutes before rinsing out.
 If treating the scalp only, you may add something acidic to the mask, such as yogurt, lemon, or apple cider vinegar.
In addition, speak to your doctor about a herbal formula and wet cupping to encourage new Blood and vital energy to scalp.

🌺Watermelon Seeds

DO u eat watermelon and leave it out the seeds? This is the time to stop!!!

Watermelon seed is super rich in Vitamins B as well as Minerals (Magnesium, Phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese and zinc)
It also contains healthy fat(polyunsaturated fat, Omega 3 and Omega 6)

Watermelon seeds makes your skin glow. Vitamin B complex in watermelon seeds provide your complexion with that magical glow.

Watermelon seeds prevents the appearance of Kidney stone, All thanks to the Potassium found in watermelon seeds.

Watermelon seeds also has large quantities of Lycopene which protects the heart, the blood vessels and Halt the growth of cancer cells.

Eat watermelon right Today!!!!

🌺 Happiness Hormones


✨Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and is responsible for many functions, including memory, sleep, mood, pleasurable reward, behavior, and cognition.

✨Oxytocin is a special chemical in your body that helps create the feeling of falling in love.

✨Serotonin made from the essential amino acid tryptophan that sends signals between your nerve cells.

✨Endorphins are known as the body's "natural opiods" that can make a person feel happy and relaxed.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

🌺 General knowledge

★Father of Biology: *Aristotle*
  Father of Physics: *Albert Einstein*
  ★Father of Chemistry: *Jabir Bin Hayan*
  Father of Statistics: *Ronald Fisher*
  ★Father of Zoology: *Aristotle*
  ★Father of History: *Herodotus*
  Father of Microbiology: *Louis Pasteur*
  ★Father of Botany: *Theophrastus*
  ★Father of Algebra: *Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi*
  Father of Blood Groups: *Landsteiner*
  Father of Electricity: *Benjamin Franklin*
  Father of Trigonometry: Hipparchus
  Father of Geometry: *Euclid*
  Father of Modern Chemistry: *Antoine Lavoisier*
  ★Father of Robotics: *Engelberger*
  Father of Electronics: *Michael Faraday*
  Father of the Internet: *Winton Cerf*
  Father of Economics: *Adam Smith*
  ★Father of the Video Game: *Ralph Baer*
  Father of Architecture: *Louis Henry Sullivan*
  Father of Genetics: *Gregor Johann Mendel*
  Father of Nanotechnology: *Heinrich Rohrer*
  ★Father of C Language: *Dennis Ritchie*
  Father of the World Wide Web: *Tim Berners-Lee*
  Father of Search Engine: *Alan Emtage*
  Father of the Periodic Table: *Dmitri Mendeleev*
  Father of Taxonomy: *Carollus Linnaeus*
  Father of Surgery (Early): *Sushrutha*
  Father of Mathematics: *Archimedes*
  *Father of Medicine: *Hippocrates*
  Father of Homeopathy: *Samuel Hahnemann*

🌺 General knowledge

🌺 Land of the Rising Sun - Japan
 ðŸŒº The country where the sun rises at midnight-Norway
 ðŸŒº The country of a thousand lakes - Finland
 ðŸŒº Land of windmills- Holland
 ðŸŒº The country of white elephants- Thailand
 ðŸŒº Land of Golden Chariots- Myanmar (Burma)
 ðŸŒº Country of bread- Scotland
 ðŸŒº Kangaroo country- Australia
 ðŸŒº Southern Britain - New Zealand
 ðŸŒº Peaceful country of the world- Korea
 ðŸŒº Clove Island- Sansiar
 ðŸŒºDonation of the Nile - Egypt
 ðŸŒº Pearl Island - Bahrain
 ðŸŒº Emerald Isle - Ireland
 ðŸŒºThe land of thunder and lightning - Bhutan
 ðŸŒº World Cup of Coffee - Brazil
 ðŸŒºPearl of underprivileged countries- Singapore 

🌺General knowledge

🌺 What is the scientific name of fish farming system?
            Pissy Kalsar
 ðŸŒº What is the scientific name of vermiculture?
          Vermi Kalsara
 ðŸŒº What is the scientific name of sericulture?
           Cheri Kalsar
 ðŸŒº What is the scientific name of mulberry plant breeding method?
          Mori Kalsar
 ðŸŒºWhat is the scientific name of oyster culture?
          Aster Culcer
 ðŸŒºWhat is the scientific name of beekeeping system?
           AB Kalsar
 ðŸŒº What is the scientific name of planned tree cultivation system?
           Sylvie Kalzer
 ðŸŒº What is the center without theaters?
 ðŸŒº Which country has no mosquitoes?

🌺 Science Pictures