Thursday, November 24, 2022

🌺 Unknown facts in science

🌺 Unknown facts in science

                                                  🌺The average 4 - year old child asks 450 questions a day .

🌺 Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by forgetting where they put their acorns .

🌺 They night vision of tigers is 6 times to better than humans .

🌺 Google searches handle over 1 billion search per day .

🌺 The first music school in India was started in Lahore .

🌺 To make one kilo of honey , bees have to visit 4 million flowers , travelling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth .

🌺 Pencilin medicine inventor  - Alexander Flamming 

🌺 WWW ( world wide web)   inventor  - Tim berners lee

🌺The suicide planet  - The world ' s poisonous planet is gimpy gimpy . Touching it is so painful that most of the people prefer to commit suicide rather than bearing than pain . The pain described  as the mixture of acid burn and electric  shock .

🌺 Japanese passport is the World's most powerful passport . It grants visa free  access to 190 countries out of 195 countries .

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